Thursday, December 20, 2007

Alaska Re-Cap

I write this for myself-

Alaska is pretty great thus far, and speaking personally, its the land of opportunity. Nestled, in the valley...and surrounded by what seems to be an endless mountian range is breath taking. The kind of air, where you feel fortunate to be alive. Then, you pinch yourself...cuz you are freakin' cold and want to make sure you aren't in a state of hypothermia. Seriously. When I tell my friends its 1 degree outside, I feel like I'm reading a typo.

I can't wait for summer...yet am enjoying being inside and looking out the window, seeing the sun and snow at the same time.

The people here are friendly, compassionate, and come from all walks of life. Many are visitors turned life long Alaska residents. Having once sought out after the hussle and bussle, are just fine lounging, being laid back, and visiting the city life twice a year during the holidays.

I'm amazed at the countless extension of a helping hand to my many questions, as well as eager for the day where I'm confident to extend my own, from my experience in this grand

Points for packing up on a journey of the unknown! If your reading this-do it!


Okay, so originally dedicated to my OWN photography...this blog needed a boost of visual inspiration. Enjoy Bansky from the U.K. Doesn't everyone enjoy a bit of Poetic Terrorism, just one in a while?